

  • noun: an official document, card, etc., that gives you permission to do, use, or have something
  • noun: permission to act
  • verb: to give official permission to (someone or something) to do or use something
  • verb: to issue a license to
  • often used to refer specifically to a driver's license
  • synonyms: lehrfreiheit, ok, academic freedom


  • She regards her illness as a 'license to treat' other people badly. [=she thinks that because she is ill she can treat other people badly]

  • He says that if the new law is passed it will give these companies 'a license to print money'.

  • The gun was not 'licensed' to him. [=he did not have formal permission to own the gun]

Movie quotes

  • (..) OK, you! In to the police box, now! - What, and then I become her? - Yes! Go, go, go! - Do I REALLY look like that? - Yeah! Yeah, you do! - I'd give you a driving license. - I bet you would! Oh! This is how it all ends. Pond flirting with herself. True love, at last! Oh! Sorry Rory. (..)
    2011 Doctor Who: Space and Time