

  • adjective: having similar opinions and interests
  • adjective: having a like disposition or purpose


  • He joined a local activists' group, hoping to meet 'like-minded' people. [=people who shared his opinions]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Nice to see you. It's good to see you, too. Your friends, who are they? This is Rick Grimes. He's the leader of a like-minded community. These are some of his people. We would like to request an audience with King Ezekiel. Get out of the car. You say they're a... like-minded community. Like-minded how? We live, we trade, we fight the dead. Sometimes others. Line up. Okay. This is a waste of time. (..)
    2017 TvShow: The Walking Dead Title: Rock in the Road Season: 7 Episode 9