

  • noun: any of various fishes (as a hake or burbot) of the cod family
  • noun suffix: one connected with or having the quality of
  • synonyms: heathen


  • earth'ling'

  • nest'ling'

  • weak'ling'

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Battalions of Orcs are crossing the river. It is as the Lord Denethor predicted. - Long has he foreseen this doom. - Foreseen and done nothing. Faramir? This is not the first Half ling to have crossed your path. No. You've seen Frodo and Sam? - Where? When? - In Ithilien. (..)
    2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • (..) will never be crowned king. Gandalf does not hesitate to sacrifice those closest to him... ...those he professes to love. Tell me, what words of comfort did you give the Half ling... ...before you sent him to his doom? The path that you have set him on can only lead to death. I've heard enough! (..)
    2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King