

  • noun: the way that something is done or happens
  • noun: a characteristic or customary mode of acting
  • often used after 'in'
  • synonyms: kind, kinds, custom


  • After the storm destroyed their house, they were, 'in a manner of speaking' [='so to speak, as it were'], lost at sea. [=they felt lost and confused after their house was destroyed]

  • He had never been on a boat before, but he walked along the deck as if 'to the manner born'.

  • A number of patients have complained about the doctor's impersonal 'bedside manner'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Sagman, Bennett, Robbins, Oppenheim and Taff. That wasn't so bad, really. You know... could use a little work on your manners. Why? What did I do? Well, I just don't appreciate these little courtesy responses... I'm selling you aluminium siding. - I was listening. (..)
    1990 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Stakeout Season: 1 Episode 2