

  • noun: someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person
  • noun: a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus
  • verb: to teach or give advice or guidance to (someone, such as a less experienced person or a child)
  • verb: to serve as a mentor for


  • The young intern was 'mentored' by the country's top heart surgeon.

  • After college, her professor became her close friend and 'mentor'.

  • He needed a 'mentor' to teach him about the world of politics.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) No cancer. So what shall l tell him? l'd open with that. He's headed down such a bad road, maybe we could talk to him... When you have a mentor, you understand the meaning behind their words. - You do whatever you want. - Means ''Great idea''. l'm just happy you haven't messed up yet today. (..)
    2001 TvShow: Scrubs Title: My Mentor Season: 1 Episode 2