

  • noun: a human being
  • adjective: certain to die
  • adjective: causing or having caused death
  • often used humorously
  • synonyms: deadly, vital, deathly


  • She claims that the proposed law would deal/strike a 'mortal' blow to many small businesses. [=would cause many small businesses to fail]

  • two gladiators locked in 'mortal combat' [=a fight that will result in the death of the loser; a fight to the death]

  • He's a big star now. He doesn't waste his time talking to mere/lesser 'mortals' [='people'] like you and me.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) the man of the future, the M a c h i n e - M a n -?!" "Give me another hours-, and no one, Joh Fredersen, no one will be able to tell a Machine-Man from a mortal--!" "The woman is m i n e, Joh Fredersen! The son of Hel was yours!" "And what brings you to me, Joh Fredersen?" (..)
    1927 Metropolis