

  • noun: a small hill or pile of dirt or stones
  • verb: to enclose or fortify with a fence or a ridge of earth
  • verb: to make a pile with or of (something)
  • sometimes used figuratively


  • The snow was 'mounded' (up) on both sides of the road. [=there was a pile of snow on both sides of the road]

  • His plate was 'mounded with' food. [=there was a pile of food on his plate]

  • an athlete who has earned 'mounds of' money [=a large amount of money]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) You lD them, and then together, you and I put a bag over their heads... ...we tie them up, drive them way out into the desert, strip them naked... ...then bury them up to their necks in a huge mound of fire ants. Saw it in an old Western. You with me? Scorpions? Scorpions are good. Yeah. (..)
    2009 TvShow: Breaking Bad Title: Peekaboo Season: 2 Episode 6