

  • noun: a body tissue that can contract and produce movement
  • noun: a body tissue consisting of long cells that contract when stimulated and produce motion
  • verb: to move (something) by using physical strength and force
  • verb: to move or force by or as if by 'muscular' effort
  • often used before another noun
  • synonyms: adductor, arm, beef


  • He 'muscled his way' through the crowd. [=he moved ahead by pushing and forcing people to move out of the way]

  • an athlete practicing to develop 'muscle memory' [=the ability to repeat a bodily movement exactly]

  • To clean that floor you have to 'put some muscle into' it. [=you have to make a forceful effort]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) on a one month trial. Do you want the day to think about it? I bet you won't make it past two weeks. What? You can't forget a single bone or a single muscle. Everything has to move. We want to keep the skin and the joints healthy. In order to achieve this, (..)
    2011 The Intouchables