

  • verb: to discuss something formally in order to make an agreement
  • verb: to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter
  • often + 'with' or 'for'


  • The driver carefully 'negotiated' the winding road.

  • We 'negotiated' a fair price/contract.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) We need to find the leader. They won't fight without him. One more shot, we start killing hostages. That's the leader. Send someone to negotiate. l've never negotiated. You mind if l... try? No, sure! We're sending somebody in to negotiate. (..)
    1997 The Fifth Element
  • (..) Akanit, take command. Go to Fhloston and get the stones. lf Zorg wants them, he'll have to negotiate. Revenge is at hand. l'm so sorry! l forgot about the autowash! Autooowaaash? Yes, autowash, (..)
    1997 The Fifth Element