

  • noun: a reason for disagreeing with or opposing something
  • noun: an act of 'objecting'
  • often + 'to'
  • synonyms: answer, antipathy, argument


  • The prosecutor's 'objection' was sustained. [=the judge agreed that the prosecutor was right to object]

  • She doesn't have any 'objection to' going. = She's made no 'objection to' going.

  • People have raised/voiced a number of 'objections to' the proposed changes.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Michael Minden, former basketball coach, thirty-nine. Too tall. That leaves Dr. Seth Elliot, veterinarian, . - Any objections to Dr. Elliot? - He falls into the parameters. Plus, Dog-trainers use freeze-dried bull penises as rewards. He was a veterinarian. How do you know the bull penis stuff? (..)
    2008 TvShow: Bones Title: The Finger in the Nest Season: 4 Episode 3