

  • noun: moral obligation
  • archaic variant of 'aught'
  • used to indicate what is expected
  • synonyms: possess, owe, duty


  • It 'ought not' ('to') make any difference. [=(more commonly) it shouldn't make any difference]

  • Children 'ought not' [='should not'] run near the pool.

  • If my math is correct, the result 'ought to' be zero.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Why did you make me put that down? No. We need a medical dictionary. Like a patient gets difficult, you quone him. You want some funny material? You ought to come down to where I work. There's a sitcom. You must have quite a time down there. - We got plenty of time. (..)
    1990 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Stakeout Season: 1 Episode 2