

  • noun: a small room in a house in which food is stored
  • noun: a room or closet used for storage (as of provisions) or from which food is brought to the table

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Movie quotes

  • (..) Keep that hatchet handy. You're gonna need it if he turns up with you people. And it won't turn out the way it did for your boy. What happened to the pantry? We don't know. And we need to talk about Gabriel. Where is he? He was on watch the night you all went to scavenge. I was supposed to take over for him in the morning. He wasn't at his post. Pantry was cleared out and a car was gone. No one's seen him since. That son of a bitch. - He stole our shit and ran. - That's... what it looks like. (..)
    2017 TvShow: The Walking Dead Title: Rock in the Road Season: 7 Episode 9