

  • adjective: of or relating to minute separate 'particles'
  • synonyms: particularize

Movie quotes

  • (..) I wasn't looking for saliva. I found it. Giant difference. Oh! Easy, pal. Watch your tone. I don't care about tone, I just care about results. Dr. Hodgins was looking for particulates on the mandible and vertebrae that might lead to a murder weapon when he found saliva. There was enough saliva (..)
    2008 TvShow: Bones Title: The Finger in the Nest Season: 4 Episode 3
  • (..) Deep puncture wounds to the trachea pierced the jugular. He bled to death. I'll make an impression of the wound, see if we can't specify a murder weapon. First we look for particulates. Bull penis. Beg your pardon? The fanny pack had dandruff-sized flakes of bull penis in it. (..)
    2008 TvShow: Bones Title: The Finger in the Nest Season: 4 Episode 3