

  • noun: a track that is made by people or animals walking over the ground
  • noun: a trodden way
  • synonyms: footway, route, passage


  • Their older children all became doctors, but their youngest son chose/followed a different (career) 'path'.

  • His friends all went to college, but he chose to 'follow' a different path. [=to do something different]

  • He believes the average consumer is being 'led down the garden path' by the promises in advertisements.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) these slopes are now lifeless. Further north, they hold other dangers. Moving at miles an hour, an avalanche destroys everything in its path. In the American Rockies a avalanches devastate the slopes every winter. This huge mountain chain continues the great spine (..)
    2006 TvShow: Planet Earth Title: Mountains Season: 1 Episode 2