

  • noun: a track that is made by people or animals walking over the ground
  • noun: a trodden way
  • synonyms: footway, route, passage


  • Their older children all became doctors, but their youngest son chose/followed a different (career) 'path'.

  • His friends all went to college, but he chose to 'follow' a different path. [=to do something different]

  • He believes the average consumer is being 'led down the garden path' by the promises in advertisements.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Courageous, stumbling Fearless was my middle name But somewhere there I lost my way Everyone walks the same Expecting me to step The narrow path they've laid They claim to walk unafraid I'll be clumsy instead Hold me, love me or leave me High Say keep within the boundaries (..)
    2014 Wild