

  • verb: to say or write good things about (someone or something)
  • verb: to express a favorable judgment of
  • synonyms: commend, laud, magnify


  • The critics 'heaped praises on' her performance. = The critics 'sang the praises of' her performance. = The critics 'sang her praises'. [=the critics praised her performance in a very enthusiastic way]

  • “Good job” is 'high praise' coming from her. She rarely compliments anyone's work.

  • We were not, 'praise be' [='thankfully'], required to join hands and sing songs.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - What? - This is the one he's so, he's really funny. - He does this weekly video. - Wait a minute. That's so random. So weird. - You look praise on him. I don't get it. - Post it! - Why don't you get it? - I just don't get it. - He is cute. - No, his eyebrows are just like.. (..)
    2016 Split