

  • verb: to cause the occurrence of (a feeling or action)
  • verb: to arouse to a feeling or action
  • sometimes + 'into'
  • synonyms: incite, stir up, anger


  • The results of the election have 'provoked' [='generated'] a lot of discussion.

  • He just says those things because he's trying to 'provoke' you.

  • His insults were intended to 'provoke' [='start'] a fight.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - So where did my top hat go? Nowhere. We tried the damn thing a dozen times. The hat went nowhere. We need to try different material. It may provoke a different result. Great. You are responsible for whatever happens to this animal, doctor. I hope whatever you were really doing with my money (..)
    2006 The Prestige