

  • noun: the sport or profession of racing horses, cars, etc.
  • noun: the sport or profession of engaging in or holding races
  • often used before another noun


  • She is 'racing against the clock' to be sure the assignment is handed in on time.

  • Her mind was 'racing'. [=she had many thoughts going quickly through her mind]

  • Researchers are 'racing (against time)' to find a cure.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) You're going to jail. Hey. I don't get it. Why did you decide to let me win? I don't know. When we were back there racing through the Miranda Rights, I just looked over at you and thought, "You're awesome. And you're good at doing things." I mean, sure, I'll miss towel, but your happiness is worth (..)
    2017 TvShow: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Title: #DUPE# Season: 4 Episode 11