

  • noun: a frame or stand that has shelves, hooks, slots, etc., in which or on which you place things
  • noun: a wind-driven mass of high often broken clouds
  • noun: a framework for holding fodder for livestock
  • verb: to cause (someone or something) to suffer pain or damage
  • verb: to fly or scud in high wind
  • verb: to torture on the rack
  • sometimes used figuratively
  • synonyms: wreck, destruction, pace


  • During the store's sales, the clothes were 'flying off the rack'. [=people were buying the clothes very quickly]

  • He 'was racked' with/by jealousy [=he was very jealous] when he saw his ex-wife with another man.

  • The team has 'been racked' by dissension. [=the team has experienced a lot of dissension]

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