

  • noun: something rational
  • adjective: based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings
  • adjective: having reason or understanding
  • synonyms: acceptable, admissible, algorismic


  • I'm sure there is a 'rational' [='sensible, reasonable'] explanation for his decision.

  • Humans are 'rational' beings. [=are able to use reason when thinking about something]

  • No 'rational' [='sane'] person would behave like that.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) You're looking for a bomb. But the threat was made on the Federal Building. They have that covered. When a bomb threat is called in, the rational purpose of it is to allow us to find the bomb. The rational object of terrorism is to promote terror. There's a model behavioral pattern for every (..)
    1998 The X Files