

  • noun: a tool or device with a sharp edge that is used to shave or cut hair from the face, body, or head
  • noun: a keen-edged cutting instrument for shaving or cutting hair
  • synonyms: razor strop


  • He 'walks a/the razor edge' [='walks a/the fine line'] between humor and bad taste in his comedy.

  • It was a 'razor-thin' victory. [=a victory that was won by a very small margin or amount]

  • He's a thrill-seeker who likes living 'on the razor's edge'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Say a prayer, then we're there At the drawbridge of a castle And there's something truly terrible inside It's a beast He's got fangs, razor sharp ones Massive paws, killer claws for the feast Hear him roar, see him foam But we're not coming home 'Til he's dead (..)
    2017 Beauty and the Beast