

  • noun: a radio or television program or a portion of a program originating outside the studio
  • adjective: far away
  • adjective: separated by an interval or space greater than usual
  • synonyms: distant, remote control, alien


  • The computer is capable of 'remote access'. [=it is possible to become connected to this computer from another place]

  • The mission is to transport medical supplies to 'remote' areas/places/regions of the globe.

  • The 'remoteness' of his location made it hard for rescuers to reach him.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) telemetry and guidance. And we can't shut down the computers because we need to run the ship. I'd have to disable remote override on each system. It's part of the os, I'd have to jump over the code. Okay, but, like, in English, what would that mean? (..)
    2015 The Martian
  • (..) send you back up here again. Good. So, if we go for it, how would it work? I plot the course and execute it. Remote override. They could take over the from mission control. Can you disable it? has four redundant (..)
    2015 The Martian