

  • noun: the common opinion that people have about someone or something
  • noun: overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general
  • synonyms: acclaim, account, authority


  • The cruise ship 'lived up to its reputation'. [=the cruise ship was as good, enjoyable, etc., as we were told it would be]

  • I know that the restaurant, by 'reputation', is excellent. [=the restaurant has an excellent reputation]

  • This car dealership has a good/bad 'reputation'. [=people think that the car dealership is good/bad]

Movie quotes

  • (..) Judith warned us. She had no need to warn us. I was already prepared. I'm still frightened. It is in the interests of the northmen to have a reputation as great warriors. It's half the battle. It sows the seeds of fear in those who oppose them. But, believe me... I'm not afraid. I don't believe in their reputation. God knows, I hope it is the sons of Ragnar who have landed on our shores. For I have prepared a very special welcome for them. They're about to discover (..)
    2017 TvShow: Vikings Title: Revenge Season: 4 Episode 18