

  • adjective: slow or limited in mental development
  • adjective: slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress
  • synonyms: feeble-minded, simple-minded, moronic


  • The problems have 'retarded' the progress of the program.

  • mentally 'retarded'

Movie quotes

  • (..) You're Tara, right? - You remembered. - Yeah. I went to school with this chick named Sara. She was retarded. Sorry. I guess you're not supposed to say that anymore, but she was seriously mentally handicapped, like, really fucking tweaked. All the kids made fun of her and shit. I didn't because I always felt pretty retarded myself. That's how I remembered. Sara, Tara... not that you're retarded or tweaked or anything. Thank you. No, you're not like that at all. (..)
    2014 TvShow: Californication Title: Grace Season: 7 Episode 12