

  • noun: the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one
  • noun: the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course
  • synonyms: fabianism, about-face, accommodation


  • The growth of the middle class forced a social 'revolution'. [=a major change in society]

  • the computer 'revolution' [=the changes created by the widespread use of computers]

  • The period of 'revolution' of the Earth around the Sun is equal to one year.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) and what to say about Darwin whom everybody took for a fool when he put forward his Theory of Evolution. It's up to us to push the rules and laws and go from "evolution" to "revolution". billion neurons per human, of which only % are activated. to which we've almost no access. - Sir! (..)
    2014 Lucy