

  • noun: a real or imaginary machine that is controlled by a computer and is often made to look like a human or animal
  • noun: a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being
  • sometimes used figuratively to describe a person who seems to do things automatically or who seems to have no feelings or emotions


  • A 'robotic' arm is used to mix the chemicals.

  • He answered their questions 'robotically'.

  • He answered the questions like a 'robot'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) It needs to be pointy. Round is not scary. Pointy is scary. This will put a smile on the faces of the enemy. They will think that it is a huge robot dildo flying toward them. No, Supreme Leader. The shape of the missile top has nothing to do with aerodynamics. It is about (..)
    2012 The Dictator