

  • noun: the cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc.
  • noun: the cover of a building
  • verb: to cover (something, such as a building) with a roof
  • verb: to cover with or as if with a roof
  • often + 'over' or 'in'
  • synonyms: covert, shingle, slate


  • We don't have much money, but at least we 'have a roof over our heads'. [=at least we have somewhere to live]

  • You'll do what I say as long as you're living 'under my roof'. [=as long as you are living in my house]

  • We hope to have sales and service 'under one roof' [=at the same location] in the near future.

Movie quotes

  • (..) just came off the building. What the fuck? Fuck. What do you mean, off the building? - Something came off the fucking roof. - It's a fucking body. We can't get a visual. Want us to get out? We gotta get on foot if you want me to get up on this thing. - Where were you? - What happened? You're fucking late! Get in the van! What do you mean, off the roof? What's going on? I came to meet you. - What the fuck...? - Get in the van! I got four armed men right out front. You want us to pursue? (..)
    2006 The Departed