

  • noun: a strong, thick string that is made by twisting many thin strings or fibers together
  • noun: a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together
  • verb: to bind, fasten, or tie (something or someone) with a rope
  • verb: to bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord
  • + 'in' or 'into'
  • synonyms: entice, inveigle, decoy


  • It shouldn't be necessary to 'jump through hoops' to get a computer to work properly.

  • I've been dealing with their lies for too long. I'm at the 'end of my rope'.

  • The children are outside 'skipping'. [=('US') 'skipping rope, jumping rope']

Movie quotes

  • (..) She blames me for our dad leaving her mother and marrying mine. How can she think that's your fault? Because her mother got pregnant, and used it to rope in my dad. And then, little Kelsey became the center of his universe. Do you know what's it's like to have someone hate you out of pure jealousy? (..)
    2011 TvShow: Suits Title: Rules of the Game Season: 1 Episode 11