

  • adjective: not having or showing concern or respect for the rights and feelings of other people
  • adjective: being in a rough or unfinished state
  • synonyms: crude, raw, unpolished


  • If you think this job is going to be easy, you're in for a 'rude shock'. [=you will be unpleasantly shocked when you find out that this job is not easy at all]

  • He's about to have a 'rude awakening'. [=he's about to find out something that will shock him unpleasantly]

  • I was 'rudely' [=suddenly and unpleasantly] awakened from my nap.

Movie quotes

  • (..) I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it. Floridians. That's what's in Jacksonville. Can you at least watch where you walk? Look, I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time. I just think it's the best way. Bella! Guess who just asked me to prom. Who? Yeah, I actually totally thought (..)
    2008 Twilight