

  • noun: a very small amount
  • noun: fragments of discarded or leftover food
  • verb: to get rid of (something) because it is damaged, no longer useful, etc.
  • verb: to convert into scrap
  • usually used in negative statements


  • After the scandal, he had no 'scrap' of dignity left. [=he had no dignity left at all]

  • He sold the car for 'scrap'. [=he sold it to someone who wanted the parts of the car]

  • Please take out a piece of 'scrap paper' and practice the math problems on the board.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) And William? Is the duke's son still alive? I don't know princess. What will they do to me? Do you remember when we were children begging for scraps, like those wretches? - Yes sister. - Am I not kinder? Yes. These two were captured leading an ambush on one of our supply trains. (..)
    2012 Snow White and the Huntsman
  • (..) And in time I too would have been replaced. Men use women. They ruin us, and when they are finished with us, they toss us to their dogs like scraps. What have you given me? When a woman stays young and beautiful forever, the world is hers. First I will take your life, my lord. (..)
    2012 Snow White and the Huntsman