

  • noun: a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or wish
  • noun: a conclusion given on request or reached after deliberation
  • verb: to officially state the punishment given to (someone) by a court of law
  • verb: to impose a sentence on
  • usually + 'to'
  • synonyms: opinion, sense, meaning


  • The defendant was 'sentenced' and fined.

  • The judge 'sentenced' him 'to' prison.

Movie quotes

  • (..) You be still, Mr. Jingles. You be so quiet and so still. Eduard Delacroix...'ve been condemned to die by a jury of your peers. Sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state. You have anything to say before sentence is carried out? I sorry for what l... I sorry for what I do. (..)
    1999 The Green Mile
  • (..) in half the prison. BRUTAL: Arlen Bitterbuck...'ve been condemned to die by a jury... ...sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state. Anything to say before your sentence is carried out? Yeah. I want fried chicken with gravy on the (..)
    1999 The Green Mile