

  • verb: to set or keep apart
  • verb: to cause (two or more people or things) to stop being together, joined, or connected
  • adjective: not joined, connected, or combined
  • adjective: set or kept apart
  • usually used in plural
  • synonyms: disunite, divide, disconnect


  • He tries to keep his private life and public life 'separate' (from each other). = He tries to keep his private life 'separate' from his public life.

  • ('US') He fell and 'separated' [='dislocated'] his shoulder. [=caused the bone in his shoulder to move out of its proper position]

  • The competition has been easy to this point, but now it gets tough and we'll really begin to 'separate the men from the boys'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) consciousness at the same time. This happened with a student that I was working with. And her left and right hands were taking notes in different handwritings about separate things at the same time. The differences in the identities can be dramatic. As much as the difference between you and me, (..)
    2016 Split
  • (..) Look at your sweater. It's ruined, it's dirty. Remove it. I'm trying to be good. You'll not see your friend again. She'll be kept separate. Now, take off your skirt and take off your shirt. Because you got all dirty from the dust. One identitiy in an individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder (..)
    2016 Split