

  • adjective: not strong or steady in movement, sound, etc.
  • adjective: characterized by 'shakes'
  • synonyms: cracked, tottering, unsound


  • His argument/theory rests 'on shaky ground'. [=his argument/theory is not supported by strong evidence]

  • My memory of that day is a little 'shaky'. [=I don't remember exactly what happened on that day]

  • The company's future is looking pretty 'shaky'. [=the company's future does not look good]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) I pulled my gun once. Shot it once. - Really? - It was my first one of these. We were a secondary unit. I was pretty shaky going in. I was a rookie. We bust open the door looking for this junkie, the fucker opened fire on us. One cop got hit in the arm. Christ, what was his name? (..)
    1995 Se7en