

  • noun: a person who believes that something is very important and should be done or followed all the time
  • noun: one who insists on exactness or completeness in the observance of something
  • usually + 'for'
  • synonyms: second, umpire, precisia


  • a 'stickler for' proper etiquette

  • He's a 'stickler for' the rules.

  • an etiquette 'stickler'

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - Will you challenge it? - Ma, you can't look up words... the dictionary. Dad, she's cheating. "Quo"? That's not a word. - You're such a stickler. - Well, put something down. You're taking minutes on this. So Uncle Mac and Artie, they're all coming here before the wedding? (..)
    1990 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Stakeout Season: 1 Episode 2