

  • noun: an idea about what someone should do or how someone should behave
  • noun: the act or process of 'suggesting'
  • usually singular
  • synonyms: insinuation, hint, allusion


  • I'm shocked at the 'suggestion' that he deliberately cheated. = The very 'suggestion' that he deliberately cheated is shocking (to me).

  • They were careful to avoid any 'suggestion' of impropriety. [=avoid doing anything that could be seen as improper]

  • There was some 'suggestion' of swelling around his ankle. [=his ankle appeared to be slightly swollen]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) .. I've seen you shoot. .. I'II assure you any attack by LoveIess wouId be an exercise in futiIity. .. I'II demonstrate how my design suggestions... .. ...have made the Wanderer compIeteIy impervious to attack. .. Over here, three seemingIy innocent biIIiard baIIs, yes? .. (..)
    1999 Wild Wild West