

  • adjective: expressing or representing an idea or quality without using words
  • adjective: using, employing, or exhibiting a 'symbol'
  • often + 'of'
  • synonyms: allegoric, allegorical, anagogic


  • a purely 'symbolic' act/gesture [=an act/gesture that is intended as a symbol of something but that does not have any real effect]

  • The number 7 has 'symbolic' significance/importance [=has significance/importance as a symbol] in their religion.

  • The storm is 'symbolically' important in the story.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) they'll blow his fingers off. I'll tell you something else. It's like a joke, but true. If they kill a stool pigeon, they leave a canary on the body. - Apparently it's symbolic. - Why not a pigeon instead of a canary? I don't know why not a pigeon. Wait a minute. You got to catch a pigeon. (..)
    1976 Taxi Driver