

  • noun: a picture, word, etc., that is drawn on a person's skin by using a needle and ink
  • noun: a rapid rhythmic rapping
  • verb: to draw or write (a picture, word, etc.) on a part of someone's body by using a needle and ink
  • verb: to beat or rap rhythmically on
  • verb: to mark or color (the skin) with 'tattoos'
  • synonyms: band, bang, bar


  • A heart was 'tattooed' on his arm. [=he had a tattoo of a heart on his arm]

  • a 'tattoo parlor' [=a place where people go to get tattoos]

  • He had a 'tattoo' of a heart on his shoulder.

Movie quotes

  • (..) MAGGIE: How you feeling? Ready to hit the waves. MAGGIE: I'm afraid your bodysurfing days are over. You got a mean tattoo going there. What does your wife think of that? That is my wife. Check his vitals every . I can't see you, but I know you're there. MESSINGER: Go back and tell them (..)
    1998 City of Angels