

  • noun: the job or profession of a teacher
  • noun: the act, practice, or profession of a 'teacher'
  • usually plural
  • synonyms: breeding, instruction, education


  • He enjoys 'teaching' his students about history.

  • She is 'teaching' us (how to use) sign language.

  • the 'teachings' [='lessons'] 'of' the Bible

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Ralf, this tutor you brought in, does he usually teach children as young as Gretel and Bruno? I believe so. Why? Well, do we know what he's teaching them? Gretel seems to have become so... They're being taught what all children are being taught at the moment. They mustn't get left behind. Come on. (..)
    2008 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas