

  • noun: a round piece of metal or plastic that is used instead of money in some machines
  • noun: an outward sign or expression
  • usually + 'of'
  • synonyms: sign, symbol, memento


  • The result was disappointing, but 'by the same token', it could have been much worse.

  • All the people who work there are men except for a couple of 'token' women.

  • The government has made only a 'token' effort to end homelessness.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Your tab's run up higher than a thief's pulse in church. No, I don't believe it has. In fact, Maeve's tab was in such excellent standing, she deserved a token of gratitude. How about a double round on me? Top shelf, of course. Run! Maeve, is something wrong? No, I'm fine. (..)
    2016 TvShow: Westworld Title: Trace Decay Season: 1 Episode 8