

  • noun: either one of the pair of round, soft parts on the inside of your throat
  • noun: either of a pair of prominent masses of lymphoid tissue that lie one on each side of the throat between two folds of soft tissue that bound the fauces
  • synonyms: tonsilla


  • He 'had his tonsils out' [=had an operation to remove his tonsils] when he was 10.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) I'm tired of you constantly talking behind my back. You meet a girl. She's into it. The best line you come up with is: "Wanna come back to my place for some tonsil hockey and egg salad?" - Who are you and how'd you get in here? - You like egg salad? Serleena! Why didn't you say it was you? (..)
    2002 Men in Black II