

  • noun: something a child plays with
  • noun: flirtatious or seductive behavior
  • verb: to act or deal with something lightly or without vigor or purpose
  • used to describe an animal (such as a dog) that is the smallest kind of a particular breed


  • ('US') a 'boy toy' = ('Brit') a 'toy boy' [=a young man who is having a romantic or sexual relationship with an older woman]

  • I 'toyed with' the idea of moving to France but ended up staying here.

  • She 'toyed' [='played'] 'with' her hair while she talked on the phone.

Movie quotes

  • (..) - Show me something! - I don't want to! - Please! This! - Wow! It's nice. - It's not a toy. - Is this real? - Yes. It's Mr. Dennis'. He doesn't even know I stole it. Pretty cool, right? (..)
    2016 Split