

  • noun: something a child plays with
  • noun: flirtatious or seductive behavior
  • verb: to act or deal with something lightly or without vigor or purpose
  • used to describe an animal (such as a dog) that is the smallest kind of a particular breed


  • ('US') a 'boy toy' = ('Brit') a 'toy boy' [=a young man who is having a romantic or sexual relationship with an older woman]

  • I 'toyed with' the idea of moving to France but ended up staying here.

  • She 'toyed' [='played'] 'with' her hair while she talked on the phone.

Movie quotes

  • (..) steeped in the colours of their trade. Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time. But from this instant there's nothing serious in mortality. All is but toys. Renown and grace is dead. The wine of life is drawn and the mere lees is left this vault to brag of. Live you? (..)
    2015 Macbeth