

  • noun: a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc.
  • noun: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
  • synonyms: betrayer, traitorous, betray


  • He was a 'traitor' who betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy.

  • He 'turned traitor'. [=he became a traitor; he betrayed his country/friends]

  • She has been called a 'traitor' to the liberal party's cause.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Do I make a quick end of them? I always thought you were one for tradition, Blackhand. Your clan was weak, and you are a traitor. I accept your challenge, if only to personally ripped the heart out of your pathetic body. You must be ready when (..)
    2016 Warcraft
  • (..) When the portal opens, when the rest of the Horde join us - All of them. - Durotan did not agree to this! And why would you care what that traitor thinks? It is time for a new leader of the Frostwolf clan. One who has the best interest of his orcs in mind. Durotan, he... has poisoned (..)
    2016 Warcraft