

  • adjective: very large or great
  • adjective: being such as may excite 'trembling' or arouse dread, awe, or terror
  • often used as a generalized term of approval
  • synonyms: atlantean, brobdingnagian, cyclopean


  • He has a 'tremendous' amount of energy.

  • She is a writer of 'tremendous' talent.

  • He became 'tremendously' successful.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) She looked like this. Kinda like a pissed-off toy dinosaur. The coroner couldn't get her eyes closed. So, now her face is forever frozen in a mask of tremendous horror and anguish. Or as my mom called it, Tuesday! Tuesday! My mom called it Tuesday. Hey, Mom, what did you think of that joke? (..)
    2018 TvShow: BoJack Horseman Title: Free Churro Season: 5 Episode 6