

  • noun: a person or thing that uses something
  • noun: one that uses
  • synonyms: lsd user, acidhead, addict


  • Please enter your 'user name'. [=the name or word that you use to identify yourself when you want to use a computer program or the Internet]

  • Programmers should always keep the 'end user' in mind when designing a new piece of software.

  • I never knew she was a (drug) 'user'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) If the servers are down for even a day, our entire reputation is irreversibly destroyed. ' Look' Even a few people leaving would reverberate through the entire user base. The users are interconnected. That is the whole point. College kids are online because their friends are online (..)
    2010 The Social Network
  • (..) And I want to welcome you all to Phoenix Club's first party of the fall semester! Lowell has some security. They require a user name/password combo, and I'm gonna go ahead and say they don't have access to the main FAS user database, so they have no way of detecting an intrusion. (..)
    2010 The Social Network
  • (..) our time with crackpot, wannabe theoreticians in a rush to publish". Who wrote that? It's anonymous, and user name "General Relativity." Well... I'm responding to it. Uh, don't lower yourself to their level. Look, I am simply (..)
    2015 TvShow: The Big Bang Theory Title: The Troll Manifestation Season: 8 Episode 14