

  • past tense and past participle of 'wake'
  • synonyms: <er>wake</er


  • The study 'woke' us 'up to' the importance of regular exercise. [=made us realize the importance of regular exercise]

  • The sound of children shouting 'woke' [='awakened, wakened'] me.

  • I 'woke up' late for work this morning.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Haku is bleeding all over the carpet. Get him out of here. He'll be dead soon anyway. Hi, sweetie. Hiding under the cushions again? Oh, I woke you, and you were sound asleep. I'm sorry. Let me give you a kiss. Go back to sleep, now. Ow! Let go of me! (..)
    2001 Spirited Away
  • (..) Or maybe I'll give you the most diffiicult job I've got... and work you until you breathe your very last breath. Oh, dear! You woke up the baby. Mommy's here. Be a good boy now. Why are you still here? I told you to leave. I want you (..)
    2001 Spirited Away