

  • noun: a person of importance
  • verb: to honor or respect (someone or something) as a god
  • verb: to honor or reverence as a divine being or supernatural power
  • used as a title when addressing or referring to certain officials (such as mayors and magistrates)
  • synonyms: dignity, worth, worthiness


  • The ceremony will be held at our 'place/house of worship'. [=at our church, synagogue, etc.]

  • My parents 'worship at the altar of' money. [=my parents value money too much]

  • He objects to the unthinking 'hero worship' of great athletes by their fans.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) It's such an honour to work with you. I never imagined I'd meet the man who invented warp drive. I'm sorry... Thanks. - Do they have to keep doing that? - It's just a little hero worship. I can't say I blame them. We all grew up hearing about you. Or, what you're about to do. I shouldn't say this, (..)
    1996 Star Trek: First Contact