

  • adjective: having no financial value
  • adjective: lacking 'worth'
  • synonyms: valueless, undeserving, useless


  • The boots may be nice, but they're 'worthless' if they don't fit you.

  • This land is 'worthless' [='useless'] for agriculture.

  • She's depressed and believes that she's 'worthless'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) was about his novel. He was so certain this book was his legacy. Maybe he thought it would vindicate him for all the shitty things he ever did in his stupid worthless life. Maybe it did. I don't know. I never read it. Because why would I give him that? I used to be on this TV show (..)
    2018 TvShow: BoJack Horseman Title: Free Churro Season: 5 Episode 6