

  • noun: a sudden sharp hissing or sibilant sound
  • verb: to close, open, or connect something with a zipper
  • verb: to move, act, or function with speed and vigor
  • often used with 'up'
  • synonyms: sound, whizz, zing


  • We 'zipped' [='rushed'] through the store to find my sister some jeans.

  • We'll try to add a little 'zip' [='zing'] to the usual recipe.

  • The city council has done 'zip' to deal with this problem.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) No! Think about it! I just found out that my cabIe show... onIy reaches peopIe. Wanting to rock the world, but having zip power like me-- now, that's a nightmare. But you--Wow! I mean... MIA: What is so ''Wow''? Wow is having the power (..)
    2001 The Princess Diaries