

  • verb: to cause (someone) to choose to do or be involved in something
  • verb: to cause to approach or adhere
  • usually used as '(be) attracted'
  • synonyms: invite, draw, entice


  • The company has a difficult time 'attracting' good employees because of its poor pay and benefits.

  • The chance to travel around the world 'attracted' me to a career as a flight attendant.

  • The smell of freshly baked cookies 'attracted' the children (to the kitchen).

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) life--they're still dead! My decorpsinator serum--it's incomplete! Must...Eat...Sugar! You're grounded, Mister. Oh, this is really bad. They're going to be attracted to the Candy Kingdom! Why? Because the Candy People are made of sugar, ya ding dong! Give me some sugar, baby. (..)
    2010 TvShow: Adventure Time Title: Slumber Party Panic Season: 1 Episode 1
  • (..) At a party at Alpha Epsilon Pi. What's that? The Jewish fraternity. It was Caribbean Night. It's not that guys like me are generally attracted to Asian girls. It's that Asian girls are generally attracted to guys like me. I'm developing an algorithm to define the connection (..)
    2010 The Social Network
  • (..) - Thank you. And his hair was perfect. We're wearing the same shirt. Oh, wait, no, that's just my shirt reflected in yours. One of the similarities between girls and fish is that they're both attracted to shiny objects. You really never read my blog, do you? All right, tin man, let's hit it. (..)
    2005 TvShow: How I Met Your Mother Title: Okay Awesome Season: 1 Episode 5